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Bluemix 총정리

Cloud/Bluemix2017. 4. 20. 20:31

Starter - A starter is a template that includes predefined services and application

code that is configured with a particular buildpack. There are two types of starters:

boilerplates and runtimes.

Boilerplate - A boilerplate is a container for an application and its associated

runtime environment and predefined services for a particular domain.

Runtime - A runtime is the set of resources that is used to run an application.

Bluemix provides runtime environments as containers for different types of

applications. The runtime environments are integrated as buildpacks into Bluemix,

are automatically configured for use, and require little to no maintenance.

Buildpack - A buildpack is a collection of scripts that prepare your code for

execution on the target PaaS. A buildpack gathers the runtime and framework

dependencies of an application. Then, it packages them with the application into a

droplet that can be deployed to the cloud.

Service - A service is a cloud extension that is hosted by Bluemix. The service

provides functionality that is ready-for-use by the app's running code. The predefined

services that are provided by Bluemix include database, messaging, push

notifications for mobile apps, and elastic caching for web apps.

Managed services are listed in the IBM Bluemix PaaS catalog. A Managed Service integrates with Bluemix/Cloud Foundry via a service broker that implements the Service Broker API. The service broker advertises a catalog of service offerings and service plans to Bluemix/Cloud Foundry and receives calls from Cloud Foundry for four functions: create, delete, bind, and unbind.

User-provided services can be used by developers to programmatically define services outside of IBM Bluemix PaaS. This gives a mechanism to provide credentials to applications for service instances which have been pre-provisioned outside of Bluemix/Cloud Foundry.

[IBM Containers on Bluemix]

Docker Engine

Fully managed, scalable hosted container service built on open source Docker technology. Security compliance insight, logging, and monitoring and Container groups with fully qualified domain names, load balancer, auto-recovery, and auto-scaling.

Networking support

Privately network your containers by using real IP addresses, configured for each in a single step.

Vulnerability advisor (취약성)

Discover vulnerabilities and compliance problems in Docker images. Also, regardless of image source, upgrade your containers with known industry fixes.

Integrated container monitoring

Monitor performance and gain insight per container into CPU, memory, and network utilization.

Private Docker image registry

With a hosted private registry, ensuring access is both secure and auditable, you can securely store and share Docker images across your organization, allowing users to push and pull containers on- and off-premises.

Enterprise-ready images

Along with any image from the Docker Hub, you can use images of WebSphere Liberty, MobileFirst Platform, StrongLoop Process Manager, and Node.js runtime in IBM Containers.

Highly available container groups

A container group includes two or more containers that run the same image. Use container groups for running long-term services with workloads that require scalability and reliability or for testing at the required scale. Container groups can run within a single availabilty zone in one Bluemix region, be spread across multiple availablity zones and even configured in different availablity zones in two regions.

Container Volumes

A container is ephemeral, and you cannot persist application data in it. However, you can use a volume to persist data between container restarts, to share data between containers in a space, and to have access to your application data when your container is not available. Data in a persistent volume can be backed up and restored through the CLI.



An OpenWhisk action is a piece of code that performs one specific task. An action can be written in the language of your choice. You provide your action to OpenWhisk either source code or a Docker image.
An action performs work when invoked from your code via REST API. Actions can also automatically respond toevents from Bluemix and third party services using a trigger.

Triggers & Rules

A trigger is a declaration that you want to react to a certain type of event, whether from a user or by an event source. Triggers fire when they receive an event. Events are always occurring, and it's your choice on how to respond to them.
A rule associates a trigger with an action. Every time the trigger fires, the rule invokes the associated action.


A sequence is a chain of actions, invoked in order, where the output of one becomes the input to the next. This allows you to combine existing actions
together for quick and easy re-use. A sequence can then be invoked just like an action, through a REST API or automated in a rule.

Action Runtimes

Create actions in a variety of languages, including Node.js 6, Python, and Swift 3. You can also use any other language you prefer by putting your code into a Docker container. Develop your code in the Bluemix web-based interface, or with your favorite development IDE and use the OpenWhisk CLI to upload it.

[12 factor]

1. Codebase: Maintain a single codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys

2. Dependencies: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies

3. Config: Store application configuration in the environment

4. Backing Services: Treat backing services as attached resources

5. Build, release, run: Strictly separate build and run stages

6. Processes: Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

7. Port binding: Export services via port binding

8. Concurrency: Scale out via the process model

9. Disposability: Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown

10. Dev/prod parity: Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible

11. Logs: Treat logs as event streams

12. Admin processes: Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes

[Using DevOps toolchain to develop and deliver cloud applications]

Toolchains enable development organizations to standardize and scale their continuous delivery processes.

Toolchains automate the process of constructing new dev, test and prod environments Load Test Iterations include a baseline, and further tests to evaluate if performance can be increased. Baseline testing is the initial performance evaluation to be performed under typical load and without application scaling or service tuning. Several third party services such as Load Impact and Blaze Meter are available in the Bluemix catalog for performing application testing. These tests provide insights on performance and can also show if horizontal scaling is responding when the application is under stress.

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